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Rosamunde Pilcher: JINXED

In her father Clive’s small cinema, Grace Kent has seen every film since she was six. No wonder she wants to become a costume designer as a young woman. After fortune teller Ruby Moyle prophesied a successful career for her and a dream man named Robert Hayford, Grace left her home in Cornwall to make her dreams come true. Five years later, Grace’s search for Robert leads her back home – and with it to her childhood sweetheart Sebastian, whom she abandoned back then. Old feelings are rekindled, but also old hurts. Sebastian never believed in the prophecy and now accuses Grace of betraying her love for an imaginary man.

But then Dr. Robert Hayford actually stands before them in the flesh. Grace sees herself confirmed in her decision at the time and approaches Robert, who is in Cornwall as the doctor of the mysterious Olivia Marlow. The fact that Robert is a doctor comes just at the right time for Grace, because her father urgently needs help. Since the death of Grace’s mother, Clive has developed a collector’s tic and has crammed their parents’ house with all kinds of mementos of the late actress Tamara Larsson, whose most famous film he still shows every day in his cinema – with Olivia as the only spectator. But Clive needs something very different from medicine. And when Robert badly disappoints her, Grace can ultimately only count on Sebastian. Together they uncover Olivia’s secret and thus put Clive’s life back in order – and in the process their own…

Drama | 90 Min. | ZDF | 2020
Written by Uschi Müller
Director Käthe Niemeyer
Camera Clemens Messow
Executive Producer Vanessa Lackschéwitz, Michael Smeaton
Producer Ello Bolz
Cast Jördis Richter, Stefan König, Helmut Zierl, Marion Mitterhammer, Oliver Franck, Petra Berndt et al.