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Billy Kuckuck
TV Series
It’s amazing how much scope a bailiff has when she puts her heart and soul into her work. And Billy Kuckuck (Aglaia Szyszkowitz) really does practice her profession with passion – tough, but always sensitive. Billy is convinced that there is a solution to every problem, even if she usually only finds the right way at the second attempt. For Billy Kuckuck, giving up is out of the question – neither in her professional life nor in her eventful private life. That way, sometimes, she tends to overshoot the mark.

Family secrets
Comedy| 90 min. | SWR, ARD Degeto | 2024
Written by Thomas Freundner, Simon X. Rost | Director Thomas Freudner | Camera Ralf M. Mendle | Producers Judith Smeaton, Michael Smeaton | Line Producer Joachim Weiler
Cast Aglaia Szyszkowitz, Gregor Bloéb, Ursela Monn, Vivien Sczesny, Ben Braun, Rüdiger Klink, Eva Verena Müller, Katrin Wolter, Rolf Berg, Werner Wölbern, Claude-Albert Heinrich, Amadea Schwolow, Franziska Wulf et al.

Comedy| 90 min. | SWR, ARD Degeto | 2021
Written by David Ungureit | Director Thomas Freudner | Camera Ralf M. Mendle | Producers Simone Höller, Michael Smeaton | Line Producer Anemone Krüzner
Cast Aglaia Szyszkowitz, Gregor Bloéb, Vivien Sczesny, Ursula Monn, Eva Verena Müller, Rüdiger Klink, Katrin Wolter, Anja Knauer, Vita Tepel, Ben Braun et al.

Comedy | 90 min. | SWR, ARD Degeto | 2020
Written by René Förder, Stephan Pächer | Director Thomas Freudner | Camera Benjamin Dernbecher | Producers Simone Höller, Michael Smeaton | LineProducer Anemone Krüzner
Cast Aglaia Szyszkowitz, Gregor Bloéb, Ralph Herforth, Vivien Sczesny, Ursela Monn, Saron Degineh, Eva Verena Müller, Rüdiger Klink et al.

Aber bitte mit Sahne!
Comedy | 90 min. | SWR, ARD Degeto | 2019
Written by Kirsten Peters | Director Thomas Freundner | Camera Benjamin Dernbecher | Producer Simone Höller, Michael Smeaton| Line Producer Anemone Krüzner
Cast Aglaia Szyszkowitz, Gregor Bloéb, Ursela Monn, Karl Kranzkowski, Bernd-Christian Althoff, Rüdiger Klink, Elisabeth von Koch, Rolf Berg et al.

A good mother
Comedy | 90 min. | SWR, ARD Degeto | 2018
Written by Kirsten Peters | Director Thomas Freundner | Camera Benjamin Dernbecher | Producer Simone Höller, Michael Smeaton| Line Producer Anemone Krüzner
Cast Aglaia Szyszkowitz, Gregor Bloéb, Ursela Monn, Nina Gummich, Bernd-Christian Althoff, Vivien Sczesny, Julia Schäfle, Eva Verena Müller, Rüdiger Klink et al.

Margot has to stay!
Comedy | 90 min. | SWR, ARD Degeto | 2017
Written by Kirsten Peters | Director Jan Růžička | Camera Gunnar Fuss | Producer Simone Höller, Michael Smeaton| Line Producer Anemone Krüzner
Cast Aglaia Szyszkowitz, Gregor Bloéb, Ursela Monn, Monika Lennartz, Burak Yiğit, Vivien Sczesny, Bernd-Christian Althoff, Bettina Lamprecht et al.